Program Streams

011 - BUNDLE - Developmental Biology I and II Bundle
012 - 2-COURSE BUNDLE - Human Anatomy and Physiology I and II
017 - 2-COURSE BUNDLE - Cell Biology Structure and Function I and II
2021 - FAES@NIH - Virtual Endocrinology Update Review Course (Program Recording)
BIOF 048 - Single Cell RNA-Seq Analysis with R Package
BIOL 001 - BCSI Certified Evaluator Training
BIOL 002 - Core Competencies in Laboratory Techniques + Optional Lab Skills Evaluation
BIOL 003 - Methods in Molecular Biology
BIOL 039 - Epigenetics
BIOL 055 - Genome Editing with CRISPR
BIOL 101 - Cell Biology Structure and Function
BIOL 102 - Cell Biology Structure and Function II
BIOL 103 - Introduction to Research
BIOL 105 - Biological Principles for Bioinformatics
BIOL 205 - Experimental Methods
BIOL 262 - Research Tools for Studying Diseases: From Nucleic Acids to Complex Systems
BIOL 325 - Human Neuroscience (BIOL 325/NEUR 325)
BIOL 327 - Modern Developmental Biology
BIOL 328 - Modern Developmental Biology II: Mesoderm and Endoderm Development, Stem Cells, and Evolution
BIOL 410 - Human Memory Systems
BIOL 425 - Principles and Applications of CRISPR
BIOL 440 - Vector-Borne Diseases and Prevention
BIOL 550 - Overview of Extracellular Vesicles and their Research Applications in Health and Diseases
ENDO 2022 - FAES@NIH - Virtual Endocrinology Update Review Course October 17-October 21, 2022
ENDO 2023 - FAES@NIH - Virtual Endocrinology Update Review Course September 18-22, 2023
ENDR-FAES - 2024 FAES@NIH Virtual Endocrinology Review Course (October 21 - October 25, 2024)
GENE 340 - Underlying Genetics of Cancer
GENE 500 - Introduction to Medical Genetics
GENE 500-II - Introduction to Medical Genetics II: Clinical Concepts
GENE 505 - Embryology, Developmental Biology, and Human Malformations
GENE 510 - Genetic Counseling: Professional Topics Seminar
GENE 514 - Current Concepts in Clinical Molecular Genetics and Molecular Diagnostics
GENE 518 - Medical Genetics and Genomic Medicine: From Diagnosis to Treatment
GENE 525 - Cancer Genomics
GENE 527 - Cytogenetics and Molecular Genetics in the Era of Cancer Genomics: Diagnostic, Prognostic and Therapeutic Applications
GENE 530 - Leveraging High-Throughput Sequencing in your Research
GENE 540 - Gene Expression Analysis (GENE 540/BIOF 540)
GENE 644 - Medical Genetics Board Review
MEDI 067 - Evidence-Based Medicine
MEDI 250 - Molecular Mechanisms of Cancer
MEDI 275 - Fundamental Principles of Histology
MEDI 305 - The Neural Mechanisms of Consciousness: Implications in Medicine, Technology, and Society
MEDI 312 - Organelles in Human Health and Diseases
MEDI 317 - Human Physiology I
MEDI 339 - Advanced Cancer Biology
MEDI 340 - Underlying Genetics of Cancer
MEDI 345 - Human Anatomy and Physiology I: Musculoskeletal, Cardiovascular, and Nervous Systems
MEDI 346 - Human Anatomy and Physiology II: Lymphatic, Immune, Respiratory, Digestive, Endocrine, and Urogenital Systems
MEDI 418 - Cancer Immunology
MEDI 419 - Cancer Immunotherapy
MEDI 450 - Fundamental Principles of Pathology
MEDI 501 - Principles of Preclinical Translational Science
MEDI 502 - Translational Science in the COVID-19 Pandemic - Accelerating and Enhancing our Response Across Preclinical, Clinical and Population Health Research
MEDI 507 - Inborn Errors of Metabolism
NEUR 305 - The Neural Mechanisms of Consciousness: Implications in Medicine, Technology, and Society
NEUR 325 - Introduction to Human Neuroscience
NEUR 330 - Neuroscience of Sleep: Relevance to Health and Disease
NEUR 355 - Neurobiology of Addiction
NEUR 410 - Human Memory Systems
PSYC 201 - Introduction to Psychological Principles
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