Program Streams

003 - 2-COURSE BUNDLE - MCAT Review and Test Prep
004 - 2-COURSE BUNDLE - English Conversation and Daily Life
014 - 2-COURSE BUNDLE - English Conversation for Daily Life Part I & II
500 - Best Teaching Practices in Higher Education: Building a Learner-Centered Course – from Principles to Practice
BUND 024 - 2-COURSE BUNDLE - Spanish for Beginners I and II
BUND 029 - 2-COURSE BUNDLE-Spanish for Healthcare Providers I and II
CARD 101 - CARD Information Session
EDUC 101 - Faculty Events
EDUC 600 - Best Teaching Practices in Higher Education: Building a Learner-Centered Course – from Principles to Practice
ENGL 205 - English Conversation for Daily Life I-A
ENGL 206 - English Conversation for Daily Life I-B
ENGL 207 - English Conversation for Daily Life: Goals, Fears, and Humor
ENGL 208 - English Conversation for Daily Life: Travel, Predictions, and Globalization
ENGL 209 - Advanced Conversation: Using TED Talks to Discuss Innovative Ideas
ENGL 215 - Foundations of Academic Writing: From Grammatically Correct Sentences to Well-Developed Paragraphs
EVENT 101 - 3D Genomics Lunch and Learn Session
EVENT 102 - PIs and Pies – Science Insight Series
GENL 319 - MCAT Review and Test Preparation: General and Organic Chemistry and Physics
GENL 320 - MCAT Review and Test Preparation: Biological and Social Sciences
GENL 322 - GRE Review
GENL 401 - Special Topics in Emotional Intelligence and Communication for Healthcare Leadership
GENL 510 - Fundamentals of Emotional Intelligence and Communication
GRAD500 - Writing and Publishing a Scientific Paper
INFO 101 - Spring Virtual Information Session
LEAD 365 - Scientific Speaking for Your Audience
SPAN 101 - Spanish for Beginners
SPAN 102 - Spanish for Beginners II
SPAN 208 - Spanish for Healthcare Providers
SPAN 209 - Spanish for Healthcare Providers II: Interactions for Interviews, Examinations, and Treatment
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