
Course Description


Current price reflects 50% tuition discount - no code needed


Most statistical software packages available, like SAS, STATA, R, or Python, require users to learn complex coding languages, which many in our fields neither have the time for nor resources available to master. Even software packages like SPSS, which offer user a comprehensive selection of statistical tools in a drop-down format (no coding language required), can be overwhelming to master due to the sheer volume of options offered. On the other hand, software packages like GraphPad’s Prism, which is not considered to be comprehensive statistical tools, offer surprisingly sophisticated basic statistical tools in a click-option format for statistical tests most commonly applied in biological and medical research data analyses. The simplistic presentation of the statistical applications in Prism make their application deceptively easy and intuitive. However, pit falls and errors in statistical test application often occur, because of misinterpretation of test selection options by users.

In this workshop, students will learn how to use the statistical applications of Prism for the most commonly applied statistical test (e.g., t test, ANOVA, etc. and their variants). The workshop consists of live demonstrations of the correct option selection, application, and interpretation of statistical tests in Prism, using test data examples. The demonstrations are supplemented with explanations of the different options users can choose from for each test and their meanings. While in depth explanations of basic statistical theory are outside the scope of this workshop, some statistical principals like test assumptions, concepts of data normality and data variance and their importance for parametric tests, will be briefly covered. Students will execute exercises during the workshop to consolidate how to apply the learned tools. They will also have the opportunity to ask questions throughout the workshop in Q&A sessions or via email post-workshop.

Learner Outcomes

When you complete the workshop successfully, you will be able to:
  • When you complete the workshop successfully, you will be able to:
  • Compare the different options for statistical testing offered by Prism during test selection and select the appropriate options for your data. 
  • Interpret the complete statistical test outputs offered by Prism.
  • Appropriately check parametric test assumptions.
  • Use data transformation in Prism to create data sets that can be analyzed using parametric approaches.
  • Choose an appropriate presentation of statical test outputs for presentations and publications.

Target Audience

This workshop is designed specifically for biologists and physicians that seek to learn how to apply and interpret statistics in GraphPad’s Prism without having to delve to deep into the mathematics and theory of basic statistics.


This course applies toward the Bioinformatics Endeavor digital badge. 


STAT101 or a basic knowledge of statistical concepts and theory is recommended. If you are unsure that you meet the prerequisite requirements, please contact registrar@faes.org and provide information about your course of interest and background knowledge..

Software/Equipment Requirements

Students must have access to GraphPad’s Prism version 9 or later. A 30-day free trial version of Prism can be downloaded from GraphPad’s homepage (https://www.graphpad.com/features) by clicking the “Start a Free Trial” button and supplying a valid email address.


Although no grades are given for courses, each participant will receive Continuing Education Units (CEUs) based on the number of contact hours. One CEU is equal to ten contact hours. Upon completion of the course each participant will receive a certificate, showing completion of the workshop and 0.7 CEUs.


Follow the link to review FAES Tuition Refund Policy.

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Section Title
Statistics in GraphPad Prism
Online Synchronous
T, W
9:00AM to 1:00PM ET
Jun 24, 2025 to Jun 25, 2025
Schedule and Location
Contact Hours
Total Cost (Includes $75 non-refundable technology fee per course when applicable)
Eligible Discounts Can Be Applied at Checkout $509.50
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