
Course Description

Proteins are the workhorses of cells responsible for transport, storage, movement, recognition, signal transduction, protection (antibodies), energy storage, metabolism, and structure. Understanding protein structure is the first step in understanding their functions. In addition, understanding how proteins interact with other molecules in the cell is crucial for understanding protein functions. This 4 half-day workshop aims to familiarize you with sources of experimental and theoretical protein structure models and one or more visualization software programs.

Day 1 - Investigate Protein Data Bank (PDB) together (introduction to proteins)
Day 2- We will learn the modeling of protein structure using AlphaFold.
Day 3- We will visualize proteins from the PDB files using Chimera X.
Day 4- We will critically investigate recent advances in protein modeling. 

This workshop will benefit anyone interested in molecular structures or functions with applications in biology, chemistry, physics, computer science, or engineering. Successful completion of this workshop provides a foundation for protein modeling, ligand complex modeling, molecular dynamics, and computer-aided drug design.

Note: During the workshop, participants will benefit from having a Google account to run AlpaFold on the free Google Colab cloud service.

Learner Outcomes

When you complete this workshop successfully, you will be able to:

  • Identify and use various online resources to gather protein structure information. 
  • Create protein structure data representations and visualizations using ChimeraX.
  • Model protein structure using AlphaFold.
  • Critically assess modeled protein structures. 


This course applies toward the Bioinformatics Endeavor digital badge. 


There are no prerequisites for this workshop.

Refund Policy
Follow the link to review Workshop Refund Policy.


  • All cancellations must be received in writing via email to registrar@faes.org.
  • Cancellations received after 4:00 pm (ET) on business days or received on non-business days are time marked for the following business day.
  • All refund payments will be processed by the start of the initial workshop.
To Register Click on "Add to Cart"
Section Title
Protein Structure and Visualization
Online Synchronous
Th, F, M, T
8:00AM to 12:00PM ET
Mar 06, 2025 to Mar 11, 2025
Schedule and Location
Contact Hours
Total Cost (Includes $75 non-refundable technology fee per course when applicable)
Eligible Discounts Can Be Applied at Checkout $1,124.00
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