
Course Description

Modern Developmental Biology course covers the molecular mechanisms that regulate vertebrate embryonic development from conserved evolutionary processes to defects and genetic mutations in human development and disease. Focus will be on highlighting emerging new technologies and new concepts and how to critically evaluate scientific data, rather than learning “facts”.  Consequently, live virtual participation and active discussion by students will be a key element of the course.  We hope this course will be valuable for students considering graduate level training/future careers in cell/developmental biology, or genetics. 

The text will be used as a reference and guide for understanding basic background. Class lectures will be aimed at learning to think critically, discerning the limits of current understanding, developing skill sets for analyzing and critiquing data and developing new questions.

Learner Outcomes

When you complete the course successfully, you will be able to:

  • Expand on knowledge of cell biology in growth and development of complex organisms.
  • Advance understanding of developmental processes, consequences of genetic mutations and genetic origin of human disease. 
  • Strengthen communication skills for critical evaluation and presentation of the scientific literature.


This course applies toward the Biomedical Sciences Endeavor digital badge.

Textbook Information

A textbook is required or recommended for this course.

Click here to view a textbook list for FAES courses and purchasing information. Please note that tuition does not include textbooks.


BIOL 101, understanding of college level biology, or permission from the instructor. If you are unsure that you meet the prerequisite requirements, please contact registrar@faes.org and provide information about your course of interest and background knowledge. 

Additional Information

Weekly Zoom sessions will be held Wednesdays at 6:00 -7:30 pm ET. Participation is expected.


Follow the link to review FAES Tuition Refund Policy.

Funding Justification Guide

Some labs and institutes may have specific funds set aside for trainees to continue their education and professional development. FAES has created a guide intended to help trainees request funds that may be available and, if they are available, request use of the training funds for continued professional development. More details

To Register Click on "Add to Cart"
Section Title
Modern Developmental Biology
Online Asynchronous & Weekly Live Class
Aug 28, 2024 to Dec 10, 2024
Total Cost (Includes $75 non-refundable technology fee per course when applicable)
Eligible Discounts Can Be Applied at Checkout (2 Credits) $775.00
Potential Discount(s)
Available for Academic Credit
2 Credit(s)
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