
Course Description

This series invites Principal Investigators, Senior Scientists, and Senior Clinicians  to share cutting-edge research and developments in their fields. Each session includes a 20-30 minute presentation followed by a Q&A or journal club discussion, fostering deeper insights and scholarly exchange. Pizza is provided on a first come first served basis. 

Upcoming PIs and Pies Sessions:

AI in Medicine: Focus on Deep Learning in Medical Genomics

January 23, 2025 from 12:00 – 1:00 pm ET

Location: FAES Learning Labs Classrooms

Speaker: Dr. Benjamin Solomon (MEDI 505)

AI is already dramatically changing biomedical research and the practice of medicine. Using the field of medical genomics as an example, this talk will (relatively informally) describe how deep learning, a particularly powerful type of AI, is used and studied.

To Register Click on "Add to Cart"
Section Title
P.I.s and Pies – Science Insight Series
In Person
12:00PM to 1:00PM ET
Jan 23, 2025
Schedule and Location
Contact Hours
Total Cost (Includes $75 non-refundable technology fee per course when applicable)
Free Event $0.00
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