
Course Description

Save a bundle and receive 30% off the individual course rate when you register for IMMU 403 and IMMU 419!

Bundled Courses: 
IMMU 403 | Basic Principles of Immunology and Hypersensitivity
IMMU 419| Cancer Immunotherapy

Learner Outcomes

When you complete these courses successfully, you will be able to:

  • Summarize key cellular components of the immune response.
  • Distinguish the function of innate/natural and adaptive immune systems.
  • Recall how the key antigen recognition molecules (TCR, BCR) arise from genetic recombination, and how the specificity of the immune repertoire is shaped.
  • Discuss the role of inflammation during infection, autoimmunity, and cancer.
  • Illustrate how cytokine activity affects cell signaling and function.
  • Predict how the immune system plays a role in the resistance to infection, induction of allergies, autoimmunity, and cancer.
  • Describe how the immune system detects tumors, and how cancer cells can evade this detection
  • Explain why various mechanisms of immune escape are exploitable with therapeutic targeting
  • Discuss the benefits and fallbacks of immunotherapies from past and present
  • Demonstrate where the field requires improvement moving into the future


These courses apply toward the Advanced Cancer Biology Discovery and Biomedical Sciences Endeavor digital badges.


What FAES Learners are Saying

"The learning (in IMMU 419) was supported not only by the lectures but additional forms of media such as a podcast. The recommended readings were interesting too." - FAES Learner

Textbook Information

A textbook is available for this course. 

Click here to view a textbook list for FAES courses and purchasing information. Please note that tuition does not include textbooks.


Familiarity with cell biology. 

If you are unsure that you meet the prerequisite requirements, please contact registrar@faes.org and provide information about your course of interest and background knowledge.

Follow the link to review FAES Tuition Refund Policy.

If you cancel a course, the bundled price no longer applies and you need to pay the individual course and technology fees. 

Funding Justification Guide

Some labs and institutes may have specific funds set aside for trainees to continue their education and professional development. FAES has created a guide intended to help trainees request funds that may be available and, if they are available, request use of the training funds for continued professional development. More details

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